How a colour analysis session works
You have finally decided to book an image consultant for a personal colour analysis. I know sometimes going shopping can be so frustrating. Has it ever happen to you to buy clothes that then you do not wear? I now understand why. Once I bought this beautiful cashmere jumper of an amazing emerald green. I have never worn it. Why? Because I am a soft summer and bright colours do not suit me at all.
How to prepare
Your should not wear any make-up and you should go to your session without being tanned. If your hair are not of your natural colour, your consultant might cover your hair during the session. The goal is to assess your natural chromatic features.
I also advice you not to wear any glasses or tinted contact lenses and earrings so that your consultant won’t get influenced by anything else than your skin undertone, eyes and hair.
Lastly please wear a white top. Otherwise your consultant might cover your top with a piece of white fabric.
How your undertone is assessed
If you have booked a face to face session, your consultant will most likely use drapes to assess if your undertone is warm or cool. Drapes are pieces of fabric which displayed close to your face will indicate your undertone (warm or cool), your intensity and also your contrast. You will be able to see by yourself by observing the different drapes, which colour will make you glow and soften your imperfections.
What to expect at the end of the session
Once your season has been assessed, your consultant should be providing your with a personalised colour swatch. This can have different formats: digital, printed, fabric. She or he will explain how to use it, what are your best neutral colours and your accent colours.
The session normally include also an advice on colours that best suit you for make-up and hair.
Once you know your season and you receive your colour palette, well you just need to take it with you to your next shopping trip! It will be so much easier.